Pimms Médiation Portes de Provence


Located in the Donzère SNCF station, where it handles reception, ticketing and passenger information, the Pimms
médiation offers digital inclusion and social mediation services for the southern Drôme region.


A key player in digital inclusion, with the Eclaireurs du numérique label awarded by the Drôme département, the centre offers a digital reception point
to connect, print and scan, as well as rental equipment (PCs, tablets, etc.) and individual and group
individual and group workshops to get started or optimize use of a computer, tablet or cell phone.
An AFNOR-certified and France Services-labeled social mediation player, it offers help with essential day-to-day tasks
from administrative procedures and subscriptions to responsible water and energy consumption. Qualified
qualified by initial training and known by its partners: EDF, SNCF, Veolia, Enedis, CPAM, CARSAT, CAF, MSA, ANAH, URSSAF, France Titres, Impôts... and dedicated resource contacts.
A collaborative workspace linked to the Cédilles network in the Drôme region, La Traverse by Pimms médiation offers coworking spaces, offices and meeting rooms.
coworking spaces, offices and meeting rooms, connecting travelers, novice and experienced entrepreneurs, local
locals, mediators, secondary residents, tourists and cyclotourists, in search of an unusual, inspiring and lived-in place
to telework, co-work, meet, gather or isolate. Disabled access on ground floor.

Spoken languages

  • French


From 02/01 to 31/12/2025
Opening hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 9 am and 12 pm.
Open every day except weekends.


Free access.


Show itinerary

Amenities and Services

  • Free WiFi access
  • Wi-fi
  • Parking nearby


  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs